•CrashMagicOnline\Sys - Container for folders used by and managed by the system. •Sys\Default - This folder contains runtime files created as the program operates. •Default\Cache - This folder contains dynamic information prepared and removed as users access the system. Additional folders will be created below this one to support each currently logged in user as well as system temporary files. •Default\Logs - the default folder for log files •Default\Templates - Templates used for specific dynamic pages. •Sys\Dev - This folder contains some sample code for developers using SOAP or MagicAuto calls to the system. •Sys\Files - This folder contains static files needed by the program. For the most part, it contains graphics. It also contains javascript and some system templates. •Files\ActiveX - Contains any needed ActiveX controls. Currently just contains the Silverlight diagram viewer XAP file. •Files\Icons - these folders hold graphics used by the system. The following folders used to hold some of these graphics but are now deprecated: Admin, ChartPanel, DiagramPanel, ListPane, MainButs,PanelButs •Files\Help - Holds files used when accessing the help system •Files\HomePage - Holds some static html files that can be used for launching the program with window size and attributes pre-set. •Files\JS - holds javascript used by the program. •Files\LoginLogos - holds images of clients' agency logos for use on the login screen. •Files\ReportViewers - Work in progress. Not used. •Files\RT - holds temporary files created by the program, which will be served up to the client browser. This folder will be created and maintained by the program and will be regenerated automatically if removed. •Files\Symbols - holds graphics that may be inserted into collision diagrams. •Files\System - holds program error message files and templates. •Files\UserDownloads - holds files that will be made available for download on the user's home page. By default, the application includes the Adobe SVG Viewer™. •Sys\ProgramResources - Files used internally by the program. PdMasterShared is imported as needed at startup, connection strings are provided in connection dialogs as tempalates, ConfigStudyMap... is used to upgrade v2 user data to v3. •Sys\Upload - Uploaded files section. For any user uploads, especially data import and conversion. |