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Crash Magic (CM) is a graphic display and data summary package designed for use in safety management systems for analysis of crash data.  CM is interactive, offering detailed collision diagrams, data retrieval, crash summaries, statistical output, and user specified graphic displays.  CM provides traffic safety specialists and law enforcement officials an exceptional tool for identifying crash patterns, high crash locations, and maintenance and operational concerns.




The most unique feature of CM is its configurability.  CM's diagrams and graphics can be changed to suit what your specific preferences are.  From changing the diagram schematic to a T Intersection, to adding comments, or creating your own charts and configuring them to the limits of your imagination.


With CM's filtering features, ad-hoc queries can be used to create a particular diagram or chart, or can be used to create specific reports.  For example, you can run a report showing where the High Crash Locations are for all Pedestrian crashes that occurred in the rain.  Filters can be created and combined using all the fields in your database!


Another great feature of CM is it's interactive capabilities.  CM allows the user to point to individual crashes and review the crash record information on screen, and crashes may be dragged to new locations with annotations added.  This feature eliminates constant referrals to hard copy reports to explain unusual patterns or other specific data.


Crash Magic is designed for easy access to traffic crash data.  It is capable of generating hundreds of collision diagrams, charts, pin-maps, and listings in the time it would take a technician to generate one.  It therefore has a wide range of applications in any setting where officials are concerned with identifying correctable crash patterns.  CM generates standard collision diagrams, and provides highlighting and customized selection (filtering) of user specified crash types.  For example, if left-turn crashes are of particular interest, the user can highlight these crashes on the screen and on the printout.  By selecting left-turn crashes in the filter, they will be the only type displayed.


Crash Magic can diagram individual intersections of particular interest, corridors of intersections along a primary street, or large numbers of collision diagrams for record keeping or statistical purposes.  Each graphic printout includes the collision diagram, area name, crash count, user-defined text, and the city name.  


Crash Magic allows easy identification of high crash locations and recurring crash patterns for use in safety and hazard elimination programs and for site specific review of proposed developments or geometric changes.  Operationally, CM can be used to identify correctable traffic control and intersection lay-out problems.  CM offers immediate access to crash information for quick response to citizen concerns by allowing access to intersection data and easy access to individual crash reports that may be in question.


Diagrams and other reports are easily and quickly generated for any study.  Buttons at the top of the project tree provide access to create the most common reports.


Studies determine the data to be included in a report.  All the reports created within (below) a study, contain a representation of the crashes in the study.  This means that changing the settings of a study will affect all of its reports.  One powerful setting of all studies is the filter.  A filter can be used to limit the crashes included in a study.  


Diagrams can be manipulated by dragging crashes or adding symbols or descriptive text.

A listing of the crashes can be generated for a given query.  The standard listing is a report of all the crashes including any fields chosen from the database.

Charts of any type can be generated based upon the fields in the database to give a graphical look at a study.

A high crash location list can be generated on systems that have specified street names, mileposts or geographic coordinates.

Pin maps can be generated for most systems that can produce high crash location lists.