Required data for a configuration

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There are several types of data required for creating a Crash Magic configuration. The first type is hard copy crash report forms from the data in use. For users that will be importing data into Crash Magic, a sample years worth of the data that will be imported is required, and a key to the files an fields. Clients that will be using an existing database will need to provide a copy of the database with a sample year. An existing data structure will also need documentation to identify fields for analysis. The following data items are required for creating a configuration.


Sample Hard Copy Crash Reports:

Hard copy crash reports are in several ways when creating a configuration. Their most important use is to compare hard copy reports with Crash Magic reports. As a final step in creating a Crash Magic configuration hard copy reports are compared the Crash Magic reports to ensure that collision diagrams are rendered correctly. Hard copy reports are also used when creating a data entry form. Data entry forms are laid out to follow the crash report. This allows a person entering data from a crash report to move with the crash form. In cases where a client does not have an existing data structure, the reports will provide possible values for Crash Magic fields that will be used by the configuration. Pd' Programming recommends at minimum of of the following types of crash reports:

1.Overlay (if used) of crash report values

2.At least one injury or fatality crash

3.At least one single-vehicle crash

4.At least one multi-vehicle crash

5.At least one crash at an intersection

6.At least one mid-block / milepost crash - This is used to determine how distance and direction from intersection (or addresses) is coded

7.At least one left-turn crash

8.At least one rear-end crash

9.At least one pedestrian crash

10.At least one bicycle crash

11. Example reports of any data elements that you feel are unique or need extra attention when describing your data


A Years Worth of Sample Import Files:

Creating a configuration that will import data requires access to the sample data files that will be used for import. Crash Magic can be configured to import files. These files can be .xml or ASCII(.txt, .csv, .del). ASCII files must have a header row to describe the field being imported. Clients with multiple files must provide information on how the files are linked together.


A Year of Data In a Crash database:

Clients providing a database must have at least a year of sample data to work with.