Crash Magic indexes |
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Crash Magic system tables use indexes to speed up searches. These indexes can be created with the system tables or created manually along with the table creation script. Each index must start with a prefix of PK for primary key or an IX for index. The index name will then contain the the table prefix name entered in the configuration editor followed by the table name the index is created for. The last portion of the index name is the column name of the index. DB2 will use an abbreviated table name and column name in the index name.
The following example is a list of index names created by Crash Magic with a table prefix of cm: User table •PKcmUserUserID •IXcmUserName •IXcmUserUserGroupID •IXcmUserULogin
UGroup table •PKcmUGroupUserGroupID •IXcmUGroupName •IXcmUGroupSharedUserID
PSRattr table •PKcmPSRattrPSRAttrID •IXcmPSRattrName •IXcmPSRattrUserGroupID •IXcmPSRattrUserID
Project table •PKcmProjectProjectID •IXcmProjectName •IXcmProjectUserGroupID •IXcmProjectUserID
Study table •PKcmStudyStudyID •IXcmStudyName •IXcmStudyUserGroupID •IXcmStudyUserID •IXcmStudyProjectID
Report table •IXcmReportName •IXcmReportUserGroupID •IXcmReportUserID •IXcmReportStudyID •IXcmReportProjectID
CID table •PKcmCIDCIDID •IXcmCIDName •IXcmCIDUserGroupID •IXcmCIDUserID •IXcmCIDStudyID •IXcmCIDProjectID