Example with 2 unique qualifiers

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Example from Oregon DOT.  In this example each street's uniqueness is dependent on both a Cnty_Id and City_Sect value. Note though, that in this particular case, the source data does not include Cnty_id and City_Sect_id for the streets, just for the crash.  As a result, it is not possible to identify all crashes at intersections on county or city boundaries unless the crashes are coded consistently to a single agency.  Also, this example sorts by county, city, street and cross street.  This is not required, but makes examination of data query results easier.



Crash.Cnty_Id AS Cnty_Id,

Crash.City_Sect_Id AS City_Sect_Id,

S1.StreetName AS St_Full_Nm,

S2.StreetName AS Isect_St_Full_Nm



( dbo.CRASH Crash

LEFT JOIN dbo.Streets S1 ON ((S1.StreetNum=Crash.St_Full_Id) AND (S1.CNTY_ID=Crash.Cnty_Id) AND (S1.CITY_SECT_ID=Crash.City_Sect_Id)))

LEFT JOIN dbo.Streets S2 ON ((S2.StreetNum=Crash.ISect_St_Full_Id) AND (S2.CNTY_ID=Crash.Cnty_Id) AND (S2.CITY_SECT_ID=Crash.City_Sect_Id))





Crash.Cnty_Id AS Cnty_Id,

Crash.City_Sect_Id AS City_Sect_Id,

S1.StreetName AS St_Full_Nm,

S2.StreetName AS Isect_St_Full_Nm



( dbo.CRASH Crash

LEFT JOIN dbo.Streets S1 ON ((S1.StreetNum=Crash.ISect_St_Full_Id) AND (S1.CNTY_ID=Crash.Cnty_Id) AND (S1.CITY_SECT_ID=Crash.City_Sect_Id)))

LEFT JOIN dbo.Streets S2 ON ((S2.StreetNum=Crash.St_Full_Id) AND (S2.CNTY_ID=Crash.Cnty_Id) AND (S2.CITY_SECT_ID=Crash.City_Sect_Id))



Cnty_Id, City_Sect_id, St_Full_Nm, ISect_St_Full_Nm


Raw XML. The second (copied) query definition is highlighted in blue.  The changed union type and streets are highlighted in yellow as they are above.







































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