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Creating an alias defines a synonym between the two streets. If an alias is defined between A street and B street then using A street in a study includes B street and using B street in a study includes A street.


The street alias editor allows you to review, edit, and add new aliases.



Clicking the Add button will open the window to add a new street alias. Start typing a street name in the From or To box to see a list of selectable streets in the drop down list below. From streets defined in an alias group that is not visible will not be displayed in the street selection list of a study.



In this example E Albrook Dr is being aliased to E 47th Ave. If the alias group is visible then using E Albrook Dr in a study will include E 47th Ave and using E 47th Ave in study will include E Albrook Dr. If the alias group is not visible then in this example E Albrook Dr would not be displayed as an available street when entering a street name into a study field.