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Depending on your organization, you may have database administrators, system administrators, project managers, etc. Each of these people has played an important part in preparing Crash Magic for your use. Once they've completed their job and the system is running, there are only two or three roles you'll need to worry about:
•Analyst - This is the role most users of the software will fall into. The analyst has access to all the data gathering and report generating parts of the program. Analysts only have the ability to consume the data, not to modify it. An analyst need not worry about accidentally modifying data, breaking the software, or making any changes that will affect other analysts. The effects of their actions only affect their own workspace, and can be easily returned to the defaults if a mistake is made. •Data entry - If your agency is using Crash Magic for data entry, you will have one or more people with logins that permit them to enter the data entry portion of the program. •Group administrator - This role is a very important one. The group administrator is an analyst who has also been given the ability to modify the system configuration and to manage the sharing of data and templates across other analysts.
As an analyst using the program, it is important to know who your Crash Magic group administrator is. |